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Module Options

Parameters under the namespace options regulate the function of individual modules in the pipeline. Parameters are matched to the appropriate module using the name: fields in the namespace modules.

BaSic ASHLAR Coreograph UNMICST S3Segmenter MCQuant CyLinter SCIMAP Minerva Other Modules

Click on the different modules to learn more.

Core modules:

All modules in MCMICRO are available as standalone executable Docker containers. When running modules within MCMICRO, the inputs and outputs will be handled by the pipeline and do not need to be specified explicitly.


Illumination correction


The module implements the BaSiC method for correcting uneven illumination, developed externally by (Peng et al., 2017). The module doesn’t have any additional parameters.


By default, MCMICRO skips this step as it requires manual inspection of the outputs to ensure that illumination correction does not introduce artifacts for downstream processing. Add start-at: illumination to workflow parameters to request that MCMICRO runs the module.

  • Example params.yml:
  start-at: illumination
  illumination: true


Unstitched images in any BioFormats-compatible format. Nextflow will take these from the raw/ subdirectory within the project.


Dark-field and flat-field profiles for each unstitched image. Nextflow will write these to the illumination/ subdirectory within the project.

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Stitching and registration


The module performs simultaneous stiching of tiles and registration across channels. Check the ASHLAR website for the most up-to-date documentation.


MCMICRO runs ASHLAR by default. Add ashlar: to options to control its behavior.

  • Example params.yml:
  ashlar: --flip-y -c 5


  • Unstitched images in any BioFormats-compatible format. Nextflow will take these from the raw/ subdirectory within the project.
  • [Optional] Dark-field and flat-field profiles from illumination correction. Nextflow will take these from the illumination/ subdirectory within the project.


A pyramidal, tiled .ome.tif. Nextflow will write the output file to registration/ within the project directory.

Optional parameters for ASHLAR

Name; ShorthandDescriptionDefault
--align-channel CHANNEL; -c CHANNELAlign images using channel number CHANNELNumbering starts at 0
--flip-xFlip tile positions left-to-right to account for unusual microscope configurations 
--flip-yFlip tile positions top-to-bottom to account for unusual microscope configurations 
--flip-mosaic-xFlip mosaic image horizontally 
--flip-mosaic-yFlip mosaic image vertically 
--output-channels CHANNEL [CHANNEL...]Output only channels listed in CHANNELSNumbering starts at 0
--maximum-shift SHIFT; -m SHIFTMaximum allowed per-tile corrective shift in microns 
--filter-sigma SIGMAWidth in pixels of Gaussian filter to apply to images before alignmentDefault is 0 (which disables filtering)
--filename-format FORMAT; -f FORMATUse FORMAT to generate output filenames, with {cycle} and {channel} as required placeholders for the cycle and channel numbersdefault is cycle_{cycle}_channel_{channel}.tif
--pyramidWrite output as a single pyramidal TIFF 
--tile-size PIXELSSet tile width and height to PIXELS (pyramid output only)Default is 1024
--platesEnable mode for multi-well plates (for high-throughput screening assays) 


Visit the ASHLAR website for troubleshooting tips.

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TMA core detection and dearraying


The modules uses the popular UNet deep learning architecture to identify cores within a tissue microarray (TMA). After identifying the cores, it extracts each one into a separate image to enable parallel downstream processing of all cores.


By default, MCMICRO assumes that the input is a whole-slide image. Add tma: true to workflow to indicate that the input is a TMA instead. Add coreograph: to options to control the module behavior.

  • Example params.yml:
  tma: true
  coreograph: --channel 3


A fluorescence image of a tissue microarray where at least one channel is of DNA (such as Hoechst or DAPI). Nextflow will take this from the registration/ subfolder within the project.


  1. Individual cores as .tif stacks with user-selectable channel ranges
  2. Binary tissue masks (saved in the ‘mask’ subfolder)
  3. A TMA map showing the labels and outlines of each core for quality control purposes
  4. A text file listing the centroids of each core in the format: Y, X

* Nextflow will write images and masks to the dearray/ subfolder and the TMA map to the qc/coreo/ subfolder within the project.


Optional arguments to Coreograph

--downsampleFactorDefault is 5 times to match the training dataHow many times to downsample the raw image file
--channel Which channel is fed into UNet to generate probability maps (usually DAPI)
--buffer2The extra space around a core before cropping it. A value of 2 means there is twice the width of the core added as buffer around it.
--outputChan a range of channels to be exported. -1 is default and will export all channels (takes awhile). Select a single channel or a continuous range. --outputChan 0 10 will export channel 0 up to and including channel 10
--tissue Coreograph will assume that its input is a whole-slide image and will work to isolate individual tissue chunks into separate files


A troubleshooting guide can be found within Coreograph parameter tuning.

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Image segmentation - probability map generation


UnMICST uses a convolutional neural network to annotate each pixel with the probability that it belongs to a given subcellular component (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell boundary). Check the UnMICST website for the most up-to-date documentation.


MCMICRO applies UnMicst to all input images by default. Add unmicst: to options to control its behavior.

  • Example params.yml:
  unmicst: --scalingFactor 0.5


An .ome.tif, preferably flat field corrected. The model is trained on images acquired at a pixelsize of 0.65 microns/px. If your settings differ, you can upsample/downsample to some extent. Nextflow will use as input files from the registration/ subdirectory for whole-slide images and from the dearray/ subdirectory for tissue microarrays.

Output *

  1. a .tif stack where the different probability maps for each class are concatenated in the Z-axis in the order: nuclei foreground, nuclei contours, and background.
  2. a QC image with the DNA image concatenated with the nuclei contour probability map with suffix Preview

* Nextflow will write probability maps to the probability-maps/unmicst/ subfolder and the previews to the qc/unmicst/ subfolder within the project.

Optional arguments to UnMicst

--tool <version>unmicst-soloUnMicst version: unmicst-legacy is the old single channel model. unmicst-solo uses DAPI. unmicst-duo uses DAPI and lamin.
--modelhuman nuclei from DAPIThe name of the UNet model. By default, this is the human nuclei model that identifies nuclei centers, nuclei contours, and background from a DAPI channel. Other models include mouse nuclei from DAPI, and cytoplasm from stains resembling WGA
--channel <number>1The channel used to infer and generate probability maps from. If using UnMicst2, then specify 2 channels. If only 1 channel is specified, it will simply be duplicated. NOTE: If not using default value, the 1st channel must be specified to S3segmenter as –probMapChan in –s3seg-opts
--classOrderNoneIf your training data isn’t in the order 1. background, 2. contours, 3. foreground, you can specify the order here. For example, if you had trained the class order backwards, specify --classOrder 3 2 1. If you only have background and contours, use --classOrder 1 2 1.
--mean <value>Extracted from the modelOverride the trained model’s mean intensity. Useful if your images are significantly dimmer or brighter.
--std <value>Extracted from the modelOverride the trained model’s standard deviation intensity. Useful if your images are significantly dimmer or brighter.
--scalingFactor <value>1An upsample or downsample factor used to resize the image. Useful when the pixel sizes of your image differ from the model (ie. 0.65 microns/pixel for human nuclei model)
--stackOutputSpecifiedIf selected, UnMicst will write all probability maps as a single multipage tiff file. Otherwise, UnMicst will write each class as a separate file.
--GPU <index>AutomaticExplicitly specify which GPU (1-based indexing) you want to use. Useful for running on local workstations with multiple GPUs.


A troubleshooting guide can be found within UnMICST parameter tuning - additional information is also available on the UnMICST website .

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Image segmentation - cell mask generation


The modules applies standard watershed segmentation to probability maps to produce the final cell/nucleus/cytoplasm/etc. masks.


By default, MCMICRO applies S3segmenter to the output of all modules that produce probability maps. Add s3seg: to options to control its behavior..

  • Example params.yml:
  s3seg: --logSigma 2 10


  1. A fully-stitched and registered .ome.tif, preferably flat field corrected. Nextflow will take these from the registration/ and dearray/ subdirectories, as approrpriate.
  2. A 3-class probability map, as derived by modules such as UnMICST or Ilastik.

S3segmenter assumes that you have:

  1. Acquired images of your sample with optimal acquisition settings.
  2. Stitched and registered the tiles and channels respectively (if working with a large piece of tissue) and saved it as a Bioformats compatible tiff file.
  3. Processed your image in some way so as to increase contrast between individual nuclei using classical or machine learning methods such as Ilastik (a random forest model) or UnMICST (a deep learning semantic segmentation model based on the UNet architecture). MCMICRO supports both.


1) 32-bit label masks for each compartment of the cell:

  • nuclei.ome.tif (nuclei)
  • cytoplasm.ome.tif (cytoplasm)
  • cell.ome.tif (whole cell)
  • If only nuclei segmentation was carried out, cell.ome.tif is identical to nuclei.ome.tif

Nextflow saves these files to the segmentation/ subfolder within your project.

2) Two-channel quality control files with outlines overlaid on gray scale image of channel used for segmentation

  • nucleiOutlines.tif (nuclei),
  • cytoplasmOutlines.tif (cytoplasm)
  • cellOutlines.tif (whole cell)
  • If only nuclei segmentation was carried out, cellOutlines.tif is identical to nucleiOutilnes.tif

Nextflow saves these files to the qc/s3seg/ subfolder within your project.

NOTE: There are at least 2 ways to segment cytoplasm: i) using a watershed approach or ii) taking an annulus/ring around nuclei. Files generated using the annulus/ring method will have ‘Ring’ in the filename whereas files generated using watershed segmentation will not. It is important that these two groups of files are NOT combined and analyzed simultaneously as cell IDs will be different between them.

Optional arguments to S3Segmenter

--probMapChan <index>1which channel is used for nuclei segmentation. Coincides with the channel used in upstream semantic segmentation modules. Must specify when different from default.
--crop <selection>noCropType of cropping: interactiveCrop - a window will appear for user input to crop a smaller region of the image; plate - this is for small fields of view such as from a multiwell plate; noCrop, the default, is to use the entire image

Nuclei parameters:

--nucleiFilter <selection>IntPMMethod to filter false positive nuclei: IntPM - filter based on probability intensity; Int - filted based on raw image intensity
--logSigma <value> <value>3 60A range of nuclei diameters to search for.

Cytoplasm parameters:

--segmentCytoplasm <selection>ignoreCytoplasmSelect whether to segmentCytoplasm or ignoreCytoplasm
--CytoMaskChan <index>2One or more channels to use for segmenting cytoplasm, specified as 1-based indices (e.g., 2 is the 2nd channel).
--cytoMethod <selection>distanceTransformThe method to segment cytoplasm: distanceTransform - take the distance transform outwards from each nucleus and mask with the tissue mask; ring - take an annulus of a certain pixel size around the nucleus (see cytoDilation); hybrid - uses a combination of greyscale intensity and distance transform to more accurately approximate the extent of the cytoplasm. Similar to Cellprofiler’s implementation.
--cytoDilation <value>5The number of pixels to expand from the nucleus to get the cytoplasm ring.
--TissueMaskChan <index>Union of probMapChan and CytoMaskChanOne or more channels to use for identifying the general tissue area for masking purposes.


A troubleshooting guide can be found within S3segmenter parameter tuning.

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Single-cell data quantification


The modules uses one or more segmentation masks against the original image to quantify the expression of every channel on a per-cell basis. Check the MCQuant README for the most up-to-date documentation.


By default, MCMICRO runs MCQuant on all cell segmentation masks that match the cell*.tif filename pattern. Add mcquant: to options to specify a different mask or to provide additional module-specific arguments to MCMICRO.

  • Example params.yml:
  mcquant: --masks cytoMask.tif nucleiMask.tif


  1. A fully stitched and registered image in .ome.tif format. Nextflow will use images in the registration/ and dearray/ subfolders as appropriate.
  2. One or more segmentation masks in .tif format. Nextflow will use files in the segmentation/ subfolder within the project.
  3. A .csv file containing a marker_name column specifying names of individual channels. Nextflow will look for this file in the project directory.


A cell-by-feature table mapping Cell IDs to marker expression and morphological features (including x,y coordinates).

Optional parameters for MCQuant

--mask_propsSpace separated list of additional metrics to be calculated for every mask. This is intended for metrics that depend only on the cell mask. If the metric depends on signal intensity, use --intensity-props instead. See list at
--intensity_propsSpace separated list of additional metrics to be calculated for every marker separately. By default only mean intensity is calculated. If the metric doesn’t depend on signal intensity, use --mask-props instead. See list at Additionally available is gini_index, which calculates a single number between 0 and 1, representing how unequal the signal is distributed in each region. See For example, to calculate the median intensity, specify --intensity_props median_intensity.

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Quality control


CyLinter is a human-in-the-loop quality control pipeline. It accepts as input the set of files generated by MCMICRO, including segmentation masks and single-cell feature tables, and returns a set of de-noised feature tables for use in downstream analyses.


Because it requires human interactivity, CyLinter is not executed by MCMICRO directly. Instead, users are encourage to follow steps outlined on the CyLinter website after applying MCMICRO to their data.

Overview of CyLinter quality control software Screenshots depicting different phases of the CyLinter workflow.

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Spatial analysis


SCIMAP is a suite of tools that enables spatial single-cell analyses. Check the SCIMAP website for the most up-to-date documentation.


MCMICRO allows users to automatically apply SCIMAP’s clustering algorithms to the cell-by-feature table produced by MCQuant. The clustering results can be subsequently used for manual assignment of cell states. Since MCMICRO stops at MCQuant by default, users will need to explicitly request that the pipeline continues to the clustering step. MCMICRO’s usage of SCIMAP doesn’t have any parameters, and users are encouraged to check the SCIMAP website for more sophisticated human-in-the-loop analyses.

Add downstream: scimap and stop-at: downstream to workflow parameters to enable SCIMAP. Add mcquant: to options to control its behavior.

  • Example params.yml:
  stop-at: downstream
  downstream: scimap
  scimap: --csv


A cell-by-feature table in .csv format, as produced by MCQuant. Nextflow will look for these tables in the quantification/ subdirectory within the project.


  1. A table of cluster assignments for each cell by the different clustering algorithms implemented within SCIMAP. These tables will be generated in .csv and .h5ad formats.
  2. A set of UMAP plots for the different clustering algorithms, with individual plots written to the plots/ subdirectory in .pdf format.

Nextflow will write all outputs to the cell-states/scimap/ subdirectory within the project.

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Interactive viewing and sharing


Minerave allows for fast, interactive viewing of multiplexed images. It also enables highlighting and effective sharing of important regions of interest among collaborators.


MCMICRO can automatically generate un-annotated Minerva stories if users enable the viz workflow parameter.

Annotated narratives must be manually generated, and users must provide MCMICRO outputs to Minerva in a separate workflow. To learn more about making Minerva stories, visit the Minerva wiki for the most up-to-date information about the Minerva suite.

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Other modules

IlastikProbability map generatorCode - DOI
CypositoryProbability map generator (cytoplasm only)Code
MesmerInstance segmentationCode - DOI
CellposeInstance segmentationCode - DOI
naivestatesCell type calling with Naive BayesCode
FastPGClustering (Louvain community detection)Code - DOI
scanpyClustering (Leiden community detection)Code
FlowSOMClustering (Self-organizing maps)Code
backsubAutofluorescence correctionCode
Imagej-rolling-ballBackground subtraction (rolling ball)Code



The module provides a command-line interface to the popular ilastik toolkit and serves as another method for generating probability maps that can be used as an alternative to UnMICST. Check the GitHub for the most up-to-date documentation.


By default, MCMICRO runs UnMicst for probability map generation. To run Ilastik instead of or in addition to UnMicst, add segmentation: ilastik to workflow parameters. When specifying multiple methods, the method names should be provided as a list enclosed in square brackets. Arguments should be passed to Ilastik via ilastik: in the module options section, while custom models can be provided to Ilastik via ilastik-model: workflow parameter.

  • Example params.yml:
  segmentation: [ilastik, unmicst]
  ilastik-model: /full/path/to/mymodel.ilp
  ilastik: --nonzero_fraction 0.5 --num_channels 1
  • Default ilastik options: --num_channels 1
  • Running outside of MCMICRO: Instructions.


A stitched and registered .ome.tif, preferably flat field corrected. Nextflow will use as input files from the registration/ subdirectory for whole-slide images and from the dearray/ subdirectory for tissue microarrays.


The output is similar to that produced by UnMicst, namely a .tif stack where the different probability maps for each class are concatenated in the Z-axis in the order: nuclei foreground, nuclei contours, and background. Nextflow will write output to the probability-maps/ilastik/ subdirectory within the project folder.

Optional arguments

--nonzero_fraction <value>NoneIndicates fraction of pixels per crop above global threshold to ensure tissue and not only background is selected
--nuclei_index <index>1Index of nuclei channel to use for nonzero_fraction argument
--num_channels <value>NoneNumber of channels to export per image (Ex: 40 corresponds to a 40 channel ome.tif image)
--channelIDs <indices>NoneInteger indices specifying which channels to export (Ex: 1 2 4). NOTE: You must specify a channel to use for filtering in S3segmenter as –probMapChan in –s3seg-opts
--ring_maskOmittedSpecify if you have a ring mask in the same directory to use for reducing size of hdf5 image
--crop_amount <integer>NoneNumber of crops you would like to extract

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Cypository is used to segment the cytoplasm of cells. Check the GitHub repository for the most up-to-date documentation.


Add segmentation: cypository to workflow parameters to enable Cypository. In general, it would be uncommon to run Cypository alongside probability map generators for nuclei, but it can be done by specifying method names as a list enclosed in square brackets, e.g., segmentation: [cypository, unmicst]. Additional Cypository parameters should be provided to MCMICRO by including a cypository: field in the module options section.

  • Example params.yml:
    segmentation: cypository
    cypository: --channel 5
  • Default cypository options: --model zeisscyto


A stitched and registered .ome.tif, preferably flat field corrected. Nextflow will use as input files from the registration/ subdirectory for whole-slide images and from the dearray/ subdirectory for tissue microarrays.


A .tif file that annotates individual pixels with the probability that they belong to the cytoplasm of a cell. Nextflow will write output to the probability-maps/cypository/ subdirectory within the project folder.

Optional arguments

--model Currently only one model exists (zeisscyto)
--channel channel containing the cytoplasm stain. 0-based indexing.
--threshold0.6A value between 0 and 1 to filter out false detections.
--overlap The image is split into overlapping tiles before cytoplasm detection. This parameter specifies the amount of overlap in pixels.
--scalingFactor1 (no resizing)Factor by which to increase/decrease image size by.
--GPUDefault behavior is the first GPU card (0-based indexing).If multiple GPUs are available, this specifies which GPU card to use.

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The Mesmer module provides an alternative segmentation approach to UnMicst and ilastik. It is implemented and maintained by an external group. Check their GitHub repository for the most up-to-date information.


Add segmentation: mesmer to workflow parameters to enable Mesmer. When running together with UnMicst and/or ilastik, method names must be provided as a list enclosed in square brackets. Additional Mesmer parameters can be provided to MCMICRO by including a mesmer: field in the module options section.

For large data sets it is recommended to use the parameters segmentation-recyze: true along with segmentation-channel:. In the example below we consider an image stack of 10 channels with the nuclear marker in channel 2 and membrane marker in channel 7. The use of segmentation-recyze: true will reduce the image stack to these two channels prior to segmentation, hence reindexing the stack channels such that 2–>0 and 7–>1.

  • Example params.yml:
  segmentation-channel: 2 7
  segmentation-recyze: true
  segmentation: mesmer
  mesmer: --image-mpp 0.25 --nuclear-channel 0 --membrane-channel 1


A stitched and registered .ome.tif, preferably flat field corrected. Nextflow will use as input files from the registration/ subdirectory for whole-slide images and from the dearray/ subdirectory for tissue microarrays.


A segmentation mask, similar to the ones produced by S3segmenter. Nextflow will write these files directly to segmentation/.

Optional arguments

NameDescriptionDefault Value
--nuclear-channelThe numerical index of the channel(s) from nuclear-image to select. If multiple values are passed, the channels will be summed.0
--membrane-channelThe position of the membrane channel within the segmentation-channel parameter. 
--compartmentPredict nuclear or whole-cell segmentation."whole-cell"
--image-mppThe resolution of the image in microns-per-pixel. A value of 0.5 corresponds to 20x zoom.0.5
--batch-sizeNumber of images to predict on per batch.4

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Cellpose is a DL segmentation algorithm able to segment the nuclear or cytoplasmic compartments of the cell. Publications of this algorithm can be found in 1 and 2. A thorough documentation of the script and CLI can be found here.


To use this segmentation method add the line segmentation: cellpose in the workflow section of the params.yml file. Under the options section of params.yml specify the input arguments of the cellpose script, such as segmentation model and channel(s) on which the model will be applied. Notice that the channel(s) argument(s), i.e. –chan and –chan2, expect a zero-based index.

For large data sets it is recommended to use the parameters segmentation-recyze: true along with segmentation-channel:. In the example below we consider an image stack of 10 channels with the nuclear marker in channel 2 and membrane marker in channel 7. The use of segmentation-recyze: true will reduce the image stack to these two channels prior to segmentation, hence reindexing the stack channels such that 2–>0 and 7–>1.

  • Example params.yml:
  segmentation-channel: 2 7 
  segmentation-recyze: true
  segmentation: cellpose
  cellpose: --pretrained_model cyto --chan 1 --chan2 0 --no_npy


  • The image (.tif) to be segmented should be in the registration/ subdirectory.
  • –pretained_model: name of the built-in model to be used for segmentation, options include “nuclei”,“cyto” and “cyto2”. Alternatively you can give a file path to a custom retrained model. Custom models can be trained in the cellpose GUI.
  • –chan: zero-based index of the channel on which the segmentation model will be applied. When using the “nuclei” model provide the index of the nuclear channel, e.g. DAPI. In the case of the “cyto” models provide the channel of the membrane marker.
  • –chan2 [optional]: index of the nuclear marker channel. This argument is valid only when using the “cyto” models.


A .tif image with the segmentation masks in the segmentation/ subdirectory.

Optional arguments

NameDescriptionDefault Value
--pretrained_modelName of a built-in segmentation model or a file path to a custom model.cyto
--chanIndex of the selected channel to segment.0
--chan2Index of the nuclear marker channel.0
--no_npyBoolean flag to suppress saving the .npy files output (recommended to avoid overflow errors when processing large data sets).False



MCMICRO integrates three methods for clustering single-cell data. These are FastPG (Fast C++ implementation of the popular Phenograph method), Leiden community detection via scanpy, and FlowSOM.


Add a downstream: field to workflow parameters to select one or more methods. Method names should be provided as a comma-delimited list enclosed in square brackets. Additional method parameters should be provided to MCMICRO by adding fastpg:, scanpy: and flowsom: fields to the module options section.

  • Example params.yml:
  stop-at: downstream
  downstream: [fastpg, flowsom, scanpy]
  fastpg: -k 10
  scanpy: -k 10


All methods accept as input the cell-by-feature matrix in .csv format. Nextflow looks for these files in the quantification/ subfolder within the project directory.


All methods output a .csv file annotating individual cells with their cluster index. Nextflow will write these files to the cell-states/ subfolder within the project directory.

Optional arguments to FastPG

-v, --verbose Flag to print out progress of script
-k NEIGHBORS30The number of nearest neighbors to use when clustering.
-n NUM_THREADS1The number of cpus to use during the k nearest neighbors part of clustering.
-c, --method Include a column with the method name in the output files.
--force-transform Log transform the input data. If omitted, and –no– transform is omitted, log transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.
--no-transform Do not perform Log transformation on the input data. If omitted, and –force-transform is omitted, log transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.

Optional arguments to scapy

-v, --verbose Flag to print out progress of script
-k NEIGHBORS30The number of nearest neighbors to use when clustering.
-c, --method Include a column with the method name in the output files.
--force-transform Log transform the input data. If omitted, and –no– transform is omitted, log transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.
--no-transform Do not perform Log transformation on the input data. If omitted, and –force-transform is omitted, log transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.

Optional arguments to FlowSOM

-v, --verbose Flag to print out progress of script
-c, --method Include a column with the method name in the output files.
-n, --num-metaclusters25The number of clusters for meta-clustering.
--xdim XDIM10The number of neurons in the SOM in the x dimension.
--ydim YDIM10The number of neurons in the SOM in the y dimension.
--force-transform Log transform the input data. If omitted, and –no– transform is omitted, log transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.
--no-transform Do not perform Log transformation on the input data. If omitted, and –force-transform is omitted, log transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.

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naivestates is a label-free, cluster-free tool for inferring cell types from quantified marker expression data, based on known marker <-> cell type associations. Check the GitHub repository for the most up-to-date documentation.


Add a downstream: field to workflow parameters to select naivestates. When running alongside other cell state inference methods, such as SCIMAP, method names should be provided as a list enclosed in square brackets. Custom marker to cell type (mct) mapping can be provided to naivestates via the naivestates-model: workflow parameters, while additional arguments should be specified by including a naivestates: field in the module options section.

  • Example params.yml:
  stop-at: downstream
  downstream: naivestates
  naivestates-model: /full/path/to/mct.csv
  naivestates: --log no
  • Default naivestates options: -p png
  • Running outside of MCMICRO: Instructions.


  • A cell-by-feature table in .csv format, such as one produced by MCquant. Nextflow will look for such tables in the quantification/ subfolder of the project directory.
  • [Optional] A two-column .csv file providing a many-to-many mapping between markers and cell types/states. The columns must be named Marker and State.


  • A .csv file providing probabilities that a marker is expressed for each cell-marker pair.
  • If the mapping to cell types is provided, a second .csv file with probabilistic annotations of each cell with its type/state.
  • A set of plots showing probability distributions and UMAP projections

Nextflow will write all outputs to the cell-states/naivestates/ subdirectory within the project. If relevant, additional QC files will be written to qc/naivestates.

Optional arguments

--plots <off|pdf|png>offProduces QC plots of individual marker fits and summary UMAP plots in .png or .pdf format.
--id <name>CellIDName of the column that contains cell IDs
--log <yes|no|auto>autoWhen a log10 transformation should be applied prior to fitting the data. The tool will do this automatically if it detects large values. Use --log no to force the use of original, non-transformed values instead.
--comb <hmean|gmean>gmeanWhether to use harmonic mean (hmean) or geometric mean (gmean) to combine probabilities of expression for individual markers.
--sfx <suffix>automatically determinedA common suffix on the marker columns (e.g., _cellMask or _nucleiMask). The suffix will be removed in the output plots and tables to improve readability. Use $ to force an empty suffix.
--umapdisabledInclude this flag to generate UMAP plots.
--mct <filename> The tool has a basic marker -> cell type (mct) mapping in typemap.csv. More sophisticated mct mappings can be defined by creating a custom-map.csv file with two columns: Marker and State.

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Backsub is an autofluorescence subtraction module for sequential IF images. It performs pixel-level subtraction on large .ome.tif images primarily developed with the Lunaphore COMET platform outputs in mind.


By default, MCMICRO assumes background subtraction should not be performed. Add background: true to module options to indicate it should be. By default, the background-method parameter is set to backsub. If channels are removed using this module, and segmentation-channel is specified, it should be kept in mind that the index provided with segmentation-channel would refer to the index after channel removal.

  • Example params.yml:
  background: true
  background-method: backsub


  • Stitched and registered multi-cycle .ome.tif
  • The markers.csv file must contain a marker_name column specifying channel markers. The background column indicates which channel should be subtracted and the value must match the marker name of the background channel. The exposure column with exposure times for respective channel acquisitions is also required. Additionally, the remove column can have “TRUE” values for channels which shouldn’t be included in the output. An example markers.csv can be found here.


  • A pyramidal, tiled .ome.tif. Nextflow will write the output file to background/ within the project directory.
  • A modified markers.csv to match the background subtracted image.

Optional arguments

--pixel-sizeNoneThe resolution of the image in microns-per-pixel. If not provided, it is read from metadata. If that is not possible, 1 is assigned.
--tile-size1024Tile size used for pyramid image generation.
--chunk-size5000Chunk size used for lazy loading and processing the image.

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Imagej-rolling-ball is a background subtraction module that applies ImageJ’s “Subtract Background…” function to the multi-channel whole-slide images. Application of rolling ball background subtraction for widefield fluorescent microscopy is demonstrated here


By default, MCMICRO does not perform background subtraction. Add background: true and background-method: imagej-rolling-ball to module options to run it.

Note that as mentioned here, the radius of the rolling ball “should be at least as large as the radius of the largest object in the image that is not part of the background”. The default radius is 100 pixels as below (imagej-rolling-ball: 100 -n=4 -j="-Xmx4g"). We generally use 100 for images with resolution of 0.325 µm/pixel.

  • Example params.yml:
  background: true
  background-method: imagej-rolling-ball

  imagej-rolling-ball: 100 -n=4 -j="-Xmx4g"


  • Stitched and registered multi-cycle .ome.tif


  • A pyramidal, tiled {input-image-name}-ij_rolling_ball_{radius}.ome.tif. Nextflow will write the output file to background/ within the project directory.

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